I Don’t Put My Soul In My Work. I Put Yours In It.

Web page for Design Center. Designer: Danielle Rhodes.

Web page for Design Center. Designer: Danielle Rhodes.

Television spot  for the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. Designer: Tim Schumann. CD: Cynthia Knox.

Television spot for the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. Designer: Tim Schumann. CD: Cynthia Knox.


Linkedin self promos. Designer: Aaron King.

Moving guide for potential Verizon customers . Designer: Dave MacDonald.  CD: Tricia Christiansen.

Moving guide for potential Verizon customers . Designer: Dave MacDonald. CD: Tricia Christiansen.

Promotion for Verizon. Designer: F=Dave MacDonald. CD: Tricia Christensen.

Promotion for Verizon. Designer: F=Dave MacDonald. CD: Tricia Christensen.

Web content for Isometric Solutions.  Designer: Jim Williams.

Web content for Isometric Solutions. Designer: Jim Williams.

Concepts for diabetes prevention program for UHC. Designer: Scott Gerber.

Concepts for diabetes prevention program for UHC. Designer: Scott Gerber.

Banner ads for Frozen River Film Festival. Designer: Jim Williams.

Banner ads for Frozen River Film Festival. Designer: Jim Williams.

Frequent flyer ads for Alaska Airlines. Designer:  Jim Williams.

Frequent flyer ads for Alaska Airlines. Designer: Jim Williams.

DM for ADT’s largest  distributor. Designer: Jim Williams.

DM for ADT’s largest distributor. Designer: Jim Williams.

Blog post for Design Center. Designer: Carly Ellefsen.

Blog post for Design Center. Designer: Carly Ellefsen.

Training content for Cargill. Designer: Eric Snodgrass. Creative Director: Adam Reed.

Training content for Cargill. Designer: Eric Snodgrass. Creative Director: Adam Reed.

Article for Grant Thornton consulting.  Designer: In house.

Article for Grant Thornton consulting. Designer: In house.

Ad for proposed Chicago development. CD: Pete Zapf.