Culturally Sensitive Content
Responsibilities include: Develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate engaging and equitable content . . . to accommodate differences in culture, language, ability, technology access.
Medtronic All Employee Communications
The challenge was to communicate the concept of Free Cash Flow to 86,000 employees in nine languages on five continents, with myriad cultures, educational levels, and digital sophistication—and prompt action. We succeeded, with nearly 60% active participation.
See more here.
Responsibilities include: Draft, revise, and maintain intuitive copy to guide users through digital experiences.
Home Depot In-Home App
This app, designed for Home Depot’s in-home sales division, prompted our client to say, “You’ve given my people an extra hour a day with their families.” (The bottom row of images are screen grabs from the video which greeted customers when they completed their purchase — actual Home Depot employees assuring them, “We got this.”)
Responsibilities include: Develop and implement robust content strategies and a cohesive, impactful brand and tone of voice.
It’s been my pleasure to work with public-facing, brand-conscious clients such as the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office (television commercials encouraging child support payments), the Innocence Project of Minnesota (Board member, mission rewrite, web site redo), and the Frozen River Film Festival (rebranding).